Interface | Description |
OboInOwlCardinalityTools.AnnotationCardinalityConfictHandler |
Functor for resolving conflicts for an annotation property and its cardinality constraint.
OboInOwlCardinalityTools.AnnotationCardinalityReporter |
Functor for reporting conflicts for an annotation property and its cardinality constraint.
Class | Description |
IdTranslator |
This class will eventually replace the id to IRI translation in Owl2Obo and OboO2Owl
It is currently in-progress. |
Obo2OWLConstants | |
OboInOwlCardinalityTools |
Tools for checking and fixing cardinality constrains for OBO ontologies in OWL.
The Class OWLAPIObo2Owl.
The Class OWLAPIOwl2Obo.
OwlStringTools |
Tools to read and write a set of owl axioms to/from a string.
Enum | Description |
Obo2OWLConstants.Obo2OWLVocabulary |
OBO to OWL vocabulary.
Exception | Description |
OboInOwlCardinalityTools.AnnotationCardinalityException |
Exception indication a non-resolvable conflict for an annotation property and its cardinality
OWLAPIOwl2Obo.UntranslatableAxiomException |
The Class UntranslatableAxiomException.
OwlStringTools.OwlStringException |
Exception indicating an un-recoverable error during the handling of axiom strings.
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