public class OntologyConfigurator extends Object implements Serializable
Constructor and Description |
OntologyConfigurator() |
public OntologyConfigurator withBannedParsers(String ban)
- list of parser factory class names that should be skipped when attempting ontology
parsing. The list is space separated.OntologyConfigurator
with the new option set.public String getBannedParsers()
public PriorityCollectionSorting getPriorityCollectionSorting()
public OntologyConfigurator setPriorityCollectionSorting(PriorityCollectionSorting sorting)
- the sorting option to be used.OntologyConfigurator
with the new sorting option set.public OntologyConfigurator addIgnoredImport(IRI ontologyDocumentIRI)
- The ontology document IRI that will be ignored if it is
encountered as an imported ontology during loading.OWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration
with the ignored ontology document IRI set.public OntologyConfigurator clearIgnoredImports()
with the list of ignored ontology document
IRIs set to be empty.public OntologyConfigurator removeIgnoredImport(IRI ontologyDocumentIRI)
- The ontology document IRI that would be ignored if it is
encountered as an imported ontology during loading.OWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration
with the ignored ontology document IRI
removed.public OntologyConfigurator setAcceptingHTTPCompression(boolean b)
- true if HTTP compression should be acceptedpublic boolean shouldAcceptHTTPCompression()
public int getConnectionTimeout()
public OntologyConfigurator setConnectionTimeout(int l)
- new timeout Note: the timeout is an int and represents milliseconds. This is
necessary for use in URLConnection
with the connection timeout set to the new
value.public OntologyConfigurator setFollowRedirects(boolean value)
- true if redirects should be followed across protocols, false otherwise.public boolean shouldFollowRedirects()
public OntologyConfigurator setLoadAnnotationAxioms(boolean b)
) should
be loaded or whether they should be discarded on loading. By default, the loading of
annotation axioms is enabled.b
- true
if annotation axioms should be loaded, or false
if annotation
axioms should not be loaded and should be discarded on loading.OWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration
object with the option set.public boolean shouldLoadAnnotations()
public MissingImportHandlingStrategy getMissingImportHandlingStrategy()
public OntologyConfigurator setMissingImportHandlingStrategy(MissingImportHandlingStrategy strategy)
for the strategies and their descriptions.strategy
- The strategy to be used.OWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration
object with the strategy set.public MissingOntologyHeaderStrategy getMissingOntologyHeaderStrategy()
public OntologyConfigurator setMissingOntologyHeaderStrategy(MissingOntologyHeaderStrategy strategy)
- new valuepublic OntologyConfigurator setReportStackTraces(boolean b)
- the new value for the flagOWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration
with the report flag set to the new value.public boolean shouldReportStackTraces()
public int getRetriesToAttempt()
public OntologyConfigurator setRetriesToAttempt(int retries)
- new value of retries to attemptpublic OntologyConfigurator setStrict(boolean strict)
- new value for strictpublic boolean shouldParseWithStrictConfiguration()
public OntologyConfigurator setTreatDublinCoreAsBuiltIn(boolean value)
- true if Dublin Core vocabulary should be treated as built in.public boolean shouldTreatDublinCoreAsBuiltin()
public boolean shouldRepairIllegalPunnings()
public OntologyConfigurator withRepairIllegalPunnings(boolean b)
- if illegal punnings should be repairedOWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration
with the repair flag set to the new value.public OWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration buildLoaderConfiguration()
public OntologyConfigurator withSaveIdsForAllAnonymousIndividuals(boolean b)
- True if ids for blank nodes should always be written (axioms and anonymous
individuals only).public boolean shouldSaveIds()
public OntologyConfigurator withRemapAllAnonymousIndividualsIds(boolean b)
- True if all anonymous individuals should have their ids remapped after parsing.public boolean shouldRemapIds()
public OntologyConfigurator withUseNamespaceEntities(boolean useEntities)
- True if entities should be used for namespace abbreviations.public boolean shouldUseNamespaceEntities()
public OntologyConfigurator withIndenting(boolean indent)
- True if indenting should be used when writing out a file.public boolean shouldIndent()
public OntologyConfigurator withIndentSize(int indent)
- Size of indentation between levels. Only used if indenting is set to true.public int getIndentSize()
public OntologyConfigurator withLabelsAsBanner(boolean label)
- True if rdfs:labels
should be used for banner comments.public boolean shouldUseLabelsAsBanner()
public OntologyConfigurator withBannersEnabled(boolean label)
- True if banner comments should be enabled.public boolean shouldUseBanners()
public OWLOntologyWriterConfiguration buildWriterConfiguration()
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