that it supports an extended KRSS vocabulary available in many reasoning systems.
For instance, a GCI can be added with help of (implies subclass superclass), range, domain,
inverse, functional attribute can be provided for roles. Note that DatatypeProperties are not
supported within KRSS2.
OWLAxiom |
Remarks |
(define-primitive-concept CN C) |
(OWLSubClassOfAxiom CN C) |
If C is not given owl:Thing will be used instead. |
(define-concept CN C) |
(OWLEquivalentClassesAxiom CN C) |
(disjoint C D) |
(OWLDisjointClassesAxiom C D) |
(equivalent C D) |
(OWLEquivalentClassesAxion C D) |
(implies C D) |
(OWLSubclassOf C D) |
(define-role RN RN2) |
(OWLEquivalentObjectPropertiesAxiom RN RN2) |
(define-primitive-role RN :right-identity RN1) |
(OWLObjectPropertyChainSubPropertyAxiom (RN RN1) RN) |
(define-primitive-role RN :left-identity RN1) |
(OWLObjectPropertyChainSubPropertyAxiom (RN1 RN) RN) |
(define-primitive-role RN RN1) |
(OWLSubObjectPropertyAxiom RN RN1) |
(define-primitive-role RN :parents (RN1 RN2 ...RNn)) |
(OWLSubObjectPropertyAxiom RN RN1)
(OWLSubObjectPropertyAxiom RN RN2)
(OWLSubObjectPropertyAxiom RN RNn) |
(define-primitive-role RN :domain (C D ...E) :range (C D ...E) :transitive t :symmetric t
:reflexive t :inverse RN1) |
Corresponding axioms for domain and range as well as transitive, symmetric, reflexive and
inverse will be added. |
(disjoint-roles R R1) |
(OWLDisjointObjectPropertiesAxiom R R1) |
(implies-role R R) |
(OWLSubObjectPropertyAxiom R R1) |
(OWLInverseObjectPropertiesAxiom R R1) |
(inverse RN RN1) |
(roles-equivalent R R1) |
(OWLEquivalentObjectPropertiesAxiom R R1) |
(role-inclusion (compose RN RN1) RN2 |
(OWLObjectPropertyChainSubPropertyAxiom (RN RN1) RN2) |
RN1 can also be (compose RN3 ...). |
(transitive RN) |
(OWLTransitiveObjectPropertyAxiom RN) |
(range RN C) |
(OWLObjectPropertyRangeAxiom RN C) |
(instance i C) |
(OWLClassAssertionAxiom i C) |
(related i R i2) |
(OWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom i R i2) |
(equal i1 i2) |
(OWLSameIndividualsAxiom i1 i2) |
(distinct i1 i2) |
(OWLDifferentIndividualsAxiom i1 i2) |