Interface | Description |
Node<E extends OWLObject> |
Represents a node (set) of entities.
NodeSet<E extends OWLObject> |
A set of
Node s. |
OWLReasoner |
An OWLReasoner reasons over a set of axioms (the set of reasoner axioms) that is based on the
imports closure of a particular ontology - the "root" ontology.
OWLReasonerConfiguration |
An OWLReasonerConfiguration can be used to customise the setup of a reasoner
at reasoner creation time via an
OWLReasonerFactory . |
OWLReasonerFactory |
An OWLReasonerFactory is a point for creating instances of
OWLReasoner objects. |
ReasonerProgressMonitor |
The ReasonerProgressMonitor interface should be implemented by objects that wish to monitor the
progress of a reasoner.
Class | Description |
ConsoleProgressMonitor | |
NullReasonerProgressMonitor |
An implementation of a progress monitor that does nothing when it receives
notification of progress events.
SimpleConfiguration |
A simple configuration with the general options.
TimedConsoleProgressMonitor |
Enum | Description |
BufferingMode |
Used to indicate the buffering mode of a reasoner.
FreshEntityPolicy |
A fresh entity is an entity that is not a built in entity (see
OWLEntity.isBuiltIn() and is not contained within the
signature of the root ontology imports closure. |
IndividualNodeSetPolicy |
The policy of how a reasoner will return
NodeSet s of individuals for
queries that return node sets of named individuals such as
OWLReasoner.getTypes(org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLNamedIndividual, boolean)
OWLReasoner.getInstances(org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClassExpression, boolean)
. |
InferenceType |
An enumeration that denotes various types of inference task.
Exception | Description |
AxiomNotInProfileException | |
ClassExpressionNotInProfileException | |
FreshEntitiesException |
Indicates that a query whose signature contained fresh entities was posed to
the reasoner.
IllegalConfigurationException | |
ImportsClosureNotInProfileException |
This exception indicates that the reasoner cannot handle the set of axioms
that are in the imports closure of the root ontology because the axioms fall
outside of the "largest" OWL profile (i.e.
InconsistentOntologyException |
This type of exception is thrown by an
OWLReasoner to indicate that the
imports closure of the root ontology (returned by
OWLReasoner.getRootOntology() ) is
inconsistent. |
OWLReasonerRuntimeException | |
ReasonerInternalException |
Specifies that a some internal error occurred during reasoning.
ReasonerInterruptedException | |
TimeOutException |
Thrown when the current reasoner operation has been interrupted due to a
satisfiability check timeout.
UnsupportedEntailmentTypeException |
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