public interface OWLOntologyManager extends OWLOntologySetProvider, HasDataFactory, HasGetOntologyById, HasApplyChanges, HasApplyChange, HasAddAxioms, HasAddAxiom, HasRemoveAxioms, HasRemoveAxiom, HasContainsOntology, HasOntologyChangeListeners, HasOntologyLoaderConfigurationProvider, HasOntologyLoaderConfiguration, Serializable
manages a set of ontologies. It is the main point for creating,
loading and accessing ontologies. OWLOntologyManager
also manages the mapping between an ontology and its ontology
document.Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
addImpendingOntologyChangeListener(ImpendingOWLOntologyChangeListener listener) |
void |
addIRIMapper(OWLOntologyIRIMapper mapper)
getIRIMappers().add() instead |
void |
addMissingImportListener(MissingImportListener listener)
In the case where silent missing imports handling is enabled, a listener can be attached via
this method so that there is a mechanism that allows clients to be informed of the reason
when an import cannot be loaded.
void |
addOntologyChangeListener(OWLOntologyChangeListener listener,
OWLOntologyChangeBroadcastStrategy strategy)
Adds an ontology change listener, which listens to ontology changes.
void |
addOntologyChangeProgessListener(OWLOntologyChangeProgressListener listener)
Adds an ontology change progress listener.
void |
addOntologyChangesVetoedListener(OWLOntologyChangesVetoedListener listener) |
void |
addOntologyLoaderListener(OWLOntologyLoaderListener listener)
Adds an ontology loaded listener to this manager.
void |
addOntologyStorer(OWLStorerFactory storer)
getOntologyStorers().add() instead |
void |
getIRIMappers().clear() instead |
void |
getOntologyStorers().clear() instead |
boolean |
contains(IRI ontologyIRI)
Determines if there is an ontology that has the specified ontology IRI, regardless of version
boolean |
contains(OWLOntology ontology) |
boolean |
contains(OWLOntologyID id)
Determines if there is an ontology with the specified id that is managed by this manager;
this method works only with non anonymous ids.
boolean |
containsVersion(IRI ontologyVersionIRI)
Determines if there is an ontology with the specified version IRI, that is managed by this
OWLOntology |
copyOntology(OWLOntology toCopy,
OntologyCopy settings)
Copy an ontology from another manager to this one.
OWLOntology |
Creates a new (empty) ontology that does not have an ontology IRI (and therefore does not
have a version IRI).
OWLOntology |
createOntology(IRI ontologyIRI)
Creates a new (empty) ontology that has the specified ontology IRI (and no version IRI).
OWLOntology |
createOntology(IRI ontologyIRI,
Set<OWLOntology> ontologies)
Creates a new ontology that has the specified ontology IRI and is initialised to contain the
axioms that are contained in the specified ontologies.
OWLOntology |
createOntology(IRI ontologyIRI,
Set<OWLOntology> ontologies,
boolean copyLogicalAxiomsOnly)
Creates a new ontology that has the specified ontology IRI and is initialised to contain the
axioms that are contained in the specified ontologies.
OWLOntology |
createOntology(OWLOntologyID ontologyID)
Creates a new (empty) ontology that has the specified ontology ID.
OWLOntology |
createOntology(Set<OWLAxiom> axioms)
Creates a new ontology that is initialised to contain specific axioms.
OWLOntology |
createOntology(Set<OWLAxiom> axioms,
IRI ontologyIRI)
Creates a new ontology that has the specified ontology IRI and is initialised to contain
specific axioms.
Set<OWLOntology> |
getDirectImports(OWLOntology ontology)
Gets the set of loaded ontologies that the specified ontology is related to via the
directlyImports relation as defined in Section 3.4 of the OWL 2 Structural specification
OWLOntology |
getImportedOntology(OWLImportsDeclaration declaration)
Given an imports declaration, obtains the ontology that this import has been resolved to.
Set<OWLOntology> |
getImports(OWLOntology ontology)
Gets the set of ontologies that are in the transitive closure of the directly imports
Set<OWLOntology> |
getImportsClosure(OWLOntology ontology)
Gets the imports closure for the specified ontology.
PriorityCollection<OWLOntologyIRIMapper> |
getIRIMappers() |
Set<OWLOntology> |
getOntologies(OWLAxiom axiom)
Gets the ontologies that are managed by this manager that contain the specified axiom.
OWLOntology |
getOntology(IRI ontologyIRI)
Gets a previously loaded/created ontology that has the specified ontology IRI, regardless of
version IRI.
OWLOntology |
getOntology(OWLOntologyID ontologyID)
Get a previously loaded/created ontology that has the specified ontology ID.
getOntologyDocumentIRI(OWLOntology ontology)
Gets the document IRI for a given ontology.
PriorityCollection<OWLOntologyFactory> |
getOntologyFactories() |
OWLDocumentFormat |
getOntologyFormat(OWLOntology ontology)
Gets the ontology format for the specified ontology.
Set<OWLOntologyID> |
getOntologyIDsByVersion(IRI ontologyVersionIRI)
Gets a set of OWLOntologyIDs representing ontologies that are managed by this manager.
PriorityCollection<OWLParserFactory> |
getOntologyParsers() |
PriorityCollection<OWLStorerFactory> |
getOntologyStorers() |
List<OWLOntology> |
getSortedImportsClosure(OWLOntology ontology)
Gets the topologically ordered imports closure.
Set<OWLOntology> |
getVersions(IRI ontology)
Gets the versions (if any) of the ontology that have the specified IRI
OWLOntology |
loadOntology(IRI ontologyIRI)
Loads an ontology that is assumed to have the specified
ontologyIRI as its IRI or
version IRI. |
OWLOntology |
loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(File file)
Loads an ontology from an ontology document contained in a local file.
OWLOntology |
loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(InputStream inputStream)
Loads an ontology from an ontology document obtained from an input stream.
OWLOntology |
loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(IRI documentIRI)
Loads an ontology from an ontology document specified by an IRI.
OWLOntology |
loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(OWLOntologyDocumentSource documentSource)
A convenience method that load an ontology from an input source.
OWLOntology |
loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(OWLOntologyDocumentSource documentSource,
OWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration config)
A convenience method that load an ontology from an input source with specified configuration.
void |
makeLoadImportRequest(OWLImportsDeclaration declaration)
Requests that the manager loads an imported ontology that is described by an imports
void |
makeLoadImportRequest(OWLImportsDeclaration declaration,
OWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration configuration)
Requests that the manager loads an imported ontology that is described by an imports
void |
removeImpendingOntologyChangeListener(ImpendingOWLOntologyChangeListener listener) |
void |
removeIRIMapper(OWLOntologyIRIMapper mapper)
getIRIMappers().remove() instead |
void |
removeMissingImportListener(MissingImportListener listener)
Removes a previously added missing import listener.
void |
removeOntology(OWLOntology ontology)
Attempts to remove an ontology.
void |
removeOntology(OWLOntologyID ontologyID)
Attempts to remove an ontology.
void |
removeOntologyChangeProgessListener(OWLOntologyChangeProgressListener listener)
Removes a previously added ontology change listener.
void |
removeOntologyChangesVetoedListener(OWLOntologyChangesVetoedListener listener) |
void |
removeOntologyLoaderListener(OWLOntologyLoaderListener listener)
Removes a previously added ontology loaded listener.
void |
removeOntologyStorer(OWLStorerFactory storer)
getOntologyStorers().remove() instead |
void |
saveOntology(OWLOntology ontology)
Saves the specified ontology.
void |
saveOntology(OWLOntology ontology,
IRI documentIRI)
Saves the specified ontology, using the specified document IRI to determine where/how the
ontology should be saved.
void |
saveOntology(OWLOntology ontology,
OutputStream outputStream)
Saves the specified ontology, to the specified output stream
void |
saveOntology(OWLOntology ontology,
OWLDocumentFormat ontologyFormat)
Saves the specified ontology in the specified ontology format to its document URI.
void |
saveOntology(OWLOntology ontology,
OWLDocumentFormat ontologyFormat,
IRI documentIRI)
Saves the specified ontology to the specified document IRI in the specified ontology format.
void |
saveOntology(OWLOntology ontology,
OWLDocumentFormat ontologyFormat,
OutputStream outputStream)
Saves the specified ontology to the specified output stream in the specified ontology format.
void |
saveOntology(OWLOntology ontology,
OWLDocumentFormat ontologyFormat,
OWLOntologyDocumentTarget documentTarget)
Saves the specified ontology to the specified output target in the specified ontology format.
void |
saveOntology(OWLOntology ontology,
OWLOntologyDocumentTarget documentTarget)
Saves the specified ontology to the specified
OWLOntologyDocumentTarget . |
void |
setDefaultChangeBroadcastStrategy(OWLOntologyChangeBroadcastStrategy strategy)
Sets the default strategy that is used to broadcast ontology changes.
void |
setIRIMappers(Set<OWLOntologyIRIMapper> mappers)
Set the collection of IRI mappers.
void |
setOntologyDocumentIRI(OWLOntology ontology,
IRI documentIRI)
Overrides the current document IRI for a given ontology.
void |
setOntologyFactories(Set<OWLOntologyFactory> factories)
Set the collection of ontology factories.
void |
setOntologyFormat(OWLOntology ontology,
OWLDocumentFormat ontologyFormat)
Sets the format for the specified ontology.
void |
setOntologyParsers(Set<OWLParserFactory> parsers)
Set the collection of parsers.
void |
setOntologyStorers(Set<OWLStorerFactory> storers)
Set the list of ontology storers.
applyChanges, applyChangesAndGetDetails
addOntologyChangeListener, removeOntologyChangeListener
getOntologyLoaderConfiguration, setOntologyLoaderConfiguration
@Nonnull Set<OWLOntology> getOntologies(@Nonnull OWLAxiom axiom)
- The axioms@Nonnull Set<OWLOntology> getVersions(@Nonnull IRI ontology)
- The ontology IRIboolean contains(@Nonnull OWLOntology ontology)
- ontology to checkboolean contains(@Nonnull IRI ontologyIRI)
- The IRI of the ontology to test for.true
if there is an ontology with the specified IRI or version IRI, that is
managed by this manager, otherwise false
.boolean contains(@Nonnull OWLOntologyID id)
in interface HasContainsOntology
- The id of the ontology to test fortrue
if there is an ontology with the specified id that is managed by this
manager, otherwise false
.boolean containsVersion(@Nonnull IRI ontologyVersionIRI)
- The version IRI of the ontology to test for (the ontology IRI may
be anything)true
if there is an ontology with the specified version IRI, that is managed
by this manager, otherwise false
.@Nonnull Set<OWLOntologyID> getOntologyIDsByVersion(@Nonnull IRI ontologyVersionIRI)
- The version IRI to match against all of the known ontologies.@Nullable OWLOntology getOntology(@Nonnull IRI ontologyIRI)
- The IRI of the ontology to be retrieved.null
if none found.@Nullable OWLOntology getOntology(@Nonnull OWLOntologyID ontologyID)
in interface HasGetOntologyById
- The ID of the ontology to retrieve. Not null
if there is
no ontology with the specified ID.@Nullable OWLOntology getImportedOntology(@Nonnull OWLImportsDeclaration declaration)
- The declaration that points to the imported ontology.null
if the imports
declaration could not be resolved to an ontology, because the ontology was not loaded
or has been removed from this manager@Nonnull Set<OWLOntology> getDirectImports(@Nonnull OWLOntology ontology)
- The ontology whose direct imports are to be retrieved.@Nonnull Set<OWLOntology> getImports(@Nonnull OWLOntology ontology)
- The ontology whose imports are to be retrieved.OWLOntology
instances that are in the transitive closure of the
directly imports relation of this ontology. If, for what ever reason, an imported
ontology could not be loaded, then it will not be contained in the returned set of
ontologies. If the ontology is not managed by this manager then the empty set will be
returned.@Nonnull Set<OWLOntology> getImportsClosure(@Nonnull OWLOntology ontology)
- The ontology whose imports closure is to be retrieved.Set
of ontologies that contains the imports closure for the specified
ontology. This set will also include the specified ontology. Example: if A imports B
and B imports C, then calling this method with A will return the set consisting of A,
B and C. If, for what ever reason, an imported ontology could not be loaded, then it
will not be contained in the returned set of ontologies. If the ontology is not
managed by this manager then the empty set will be returned.@Nonnull List<OWLOntology> getSortedImportsClosure(@Nonnull OWLOntology ontology)
- The ontology whose imports closure is to be determined.@Nonnull OWLOntology createOntology() throws OWLOntologyCreationException
- if there was a problem creating the ontology@Nonnull OWLOntology createOntology(@Nonnull Set<OWLAxiom> axioms) throws OWLOntologyCreationException
- The axioms that should be copied into the new ontologyOWLOntologyCreationException
- if there was a problem creating the new ontology.OWLOntologyChangeException
- if there was a problem copying the axioms.@Nonnull OWLOntology createOntology(@Nonnull Set<OWLAxiom> axioms, @Nonnull IRI ontologyIRI) throws OWLOntologyCreationException
- The IRI of the new ontology. OWLOntologyIRIMapper
s. If no
mappers are installed or the ontology IRI was not mapped to a document IRI by any of
the installed mappers, then the ontology document IRI will be set to the value of
- The axioms that should be copied into the new ontologyOWLOntologyCreationException
- if there was a problem creating the new ontology, if the
new ontology already exists in this manager.OWLOntologyChangeException
- if there was a problem copying the axioms.OWLOntologyAlreadyExistsException
- if the manager already contains an ontology with
the specified ontologyIRI
- if the specified ontologyIRI
mapped to a ontology document IRI for which there already exists a mapping in this
manager.@Nonnull OWLOntology createOntology(@Nonnull IRI ontologyIRI) throws OWLOntologyCreationException
s. If no mappers are
installed or the ontology IRI was not mapped to a document IRI by any of the installed
mappers, then the ontology document IRI will be set to the value of ontologyIRI
- The IRI of the ontology to be created. The ontology IRI will be mapped to
a document IRI in order to determine the type of ontology factory that will be used to
create the ontology. If this mapping is null
then a default (in memory)
implementation of the ontology will most likely be created.OWLOntologyCreationException
- If the ontology could not be created.OWLOntologyAlreadyExistsException
- if the manager already contains an ontology with
the specified ontologyIRI
(and no version IRI).OWLOntologyDocumentAlreadyExistsException
- if the specified ontologyIRI
mapped to a ontology document IRI for which there already exists a mapping in this
manager.@Nonnull OWLOntology createOntology(@Nonnull OWLOntologyID ontologyID) throws OWLOntologyCreationException
- The ID of the ontology to be created. OWLOntologyIRIMapper
s. If no
mappers are installed or the ontology IRI was not mapped to a document IRI by any of
the installed mappers, then the ontology document IRI will be set to the value of
- If the ontology could not be created.OWLOntologyAlreadyExistsException
- if the manager already contains an ontology with
the specified ontologyID
(and no version IRI).OWLOntologyDocumentAlreadyExistsException
- if the specified ontologyID
mapped to a ontology document IRI for which there already exists a mapping in this
manager.@Nonnull OWLOntology createOntology(@Nonnull IRI ontologyIRI, @Nonnull Set<OWLOntology> ontologies, boolean copyLogicalAxiomsOnly) throws OWLOntologyCreationException
s. If no mappers are
installed or the ontology IRI was not mapped to a document IRI by any of the installed
mappers, then the ontology document IRI will be set to the value of ontologyIRI
- The IRI of the new ontology.ontologies
- The ontologies whose axioms should be copied into the new ontologycopyLogicalAxiomsOnly
- If set to true
only logical axioms are copied into the
new ontology. If set to false
then all axioms (including annotation axioms)
are copied into the new ontology.OWLOntologyCreationException
- if there was a problem creating the new ontology, if the
new ontology already exists in this manager.OWLOntologyAlreadyExistsException
- if the manager already contains an ontology with
the specified ontologyIRI
(and no ontology version IRI).OWLOntologyDocumentAlreadyExistsException
- if the specified ontologyIRI
mapped to a ontology document IRI for which there already exists a mapping in this
manager.@Nonnull OWLOntology createOntology(@Nonnull IRI ontologyIRI, @Nonnull Set<OWLOntology> ontologies) throws OWLOntologyCreationException
s. If no mappers are
installed or the ontology IRI was not mapped to a document IRI by any of the installed
mappers, then the ontology document IRI will be set to the value of ontologyIRI
- The IRI of the new ontology.ontologies
- The ontologies whose axioms should be copied into the new ontologyOWLOntologyCreationException
- if there was a problem creating the new ontology, if the
new ontology already exists in this manager.OWLOntologyAlreadyExistsException
- if the manager already contains an ontology with
the specified ontologyIRI
(and no version IRI).OWLOntologyDocumentAlreadyExistsException
- if the specified ontologyIRI
mapped to a ontology document IRI for which there already exists a mapping in this
manager.@Nonnull OWLOntology copyOntology(@Nonnull OWLOntology toCopy, @Nonnull OntologyCopy settings) throws OWLOntologyCreationException
is invoked. The copy mode is defined
by the OntologyCopy
parameter: SHALLOW for simply creating a new ontology containing
the same axioms and same id, DEEP for copying across format and document IRI, MOVE to remove
the ontology from its previous manager.toCopy
- ontology to copysettings
- settings for the copytoCopy
only for MOVE copiesOWLOntologyCreationException
- if this manager cannot add the new ontology@Nonnull OWLOntology loadOntology(@Nonnull IRI ontologyIRI) throws OWLOntologyCreationException
as its IRI or
version IRI. OWLOntologyIRIMapper
objects. By default, if no custom
s have been registered using the getIRIMappers()
PriorityCollection PriorityCollection.add(Serializable...)
method, or no mapping can
be found, the ontology document IRI is taken to be the specified ontology IRI.ontologyIRI
- The IRI that identifies the ontology. It is expected that the ontology
will also have this IRI (although the OWL API will tolerated situations where this is
not the case).OWLOntology
representation of the ontology that was loaded.OWLOntologyCreationException
- If there was a problem in creating and loading the
- if the ontology was being
parsed from a document and the document contained syntax errors.UnloadableImportException
- if the ontology imports ontologies and one of the imports
could not be loaded for what ever reason. If the
is set to
then this exception will not be thrown.
The UnloadableImportException
contains information about the import
declaration that triggered the import and the cause of this exception is an
which contains information about why the import
could not be loaded.OWLOntologyCreationIOException
- if there was an
when trying to load the ontology.OWLOntologyAlreadyExistsException
- if the manager already contains an ontology with
the specified ontologyIRI
(where the ontology doesn't have a version IRI).OWLOntologyDocumentAlreadyExistsException
- if the specified ontologyIRI
mapped to a ontology document IRI for which there already exists a mapping in this
manager.@Nonnull OWLOntology loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(@Nonnull IRI documentIRI) throws OWLOntologyCreationException
method, no mapping is performed on the specified IRI.documentIRI
- The ontology document IRI where the ontology will be loaded from.OWLOntologyCreationException
- If there was a problem in creating and loading the
- if the ontology was being
parsed from a document and the document contained syntax errors.UnloadableImportException
- if the ontology imports ontologies and one of the imports
could not be loaded for what ever reason. If the
is set to
then this exception will not be thrown.
The UnloadableImportException
contains information about the import
declaration that triggered the import and the cause of this exception is an
which contains information about why the import
could not be loaded.OWLOntologyCreationIOException
- if there was an
when trying to load the ontology.OWLOntologyDocumentAlreadyExistsException
- if the specified documentIRI
already the document IRI for a loaded ontology.OWLOntologyAlreadyExistsException
- if the manager already contains an ontology whose
ontology IRI and version IRI is the same as the ontology IRI and version IRI of the
ontology contained in the document pointed to by documentIRI
.@Nonnull OWLOntology loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(@Nonnull File file) throws OWLOntologyCreationException
- The file that contains a representation of an ontologyOWLOntologyCreationException
- If there was a problem in creating and loading the
- if the ontology could not be
- if the ontology imports ontologies and one of the imports
could not be loaded for what ever reason. If the
is set to
then this exception will not be thrown.
The UnloadableImportException
contains information about the import
declaration that triggered the import and the cause of this exception is an
which contains information about why the import
could not be loaded.OWLOntologyCreationIOException
- if there was an
when trying to load the ontology.OWLOntologyDocumentAlreadyExistsException
- if the IRI of the specified file is already
the document IRI for a loaded ontology.OWLOntologyAlreadyExistsException
- if the manager already contains an ontology whose
ontology IRI and version IRI is the same as the ontology IRI and version IRI of the
ontology contained in the document pointed to by documentIRI
.@Nonnull OWLOntology loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(@Nonnull InputStream inputStream) throws OWLOntologyCreationException
- The input stream that can be used to obtain a representation of an
- If there was a problem in creating and loading the
- if the ontology could not be
- if the ontology imports ontologies and one of the imports
could not be loaded for what ever reason. If the
is set to
then this exception will not be thrown.
The UnloadableImportException
contains information about the import
declaration that triggered the import and the cause of this exception is an
which contains information about why the import
could not be loaded.OWLOntologyCreationIOException
- if there was an
when trying to load the ontology.OWLOntologyAlreadyExistsException
- if the manager already contains an ontology whose
ontology IRI and version IRI is the same as the ontology IRI and version IRI of the
ontology obtained from parsing the content of the input stream.@Nonnull OWLOntology loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(@Nonnull OWLOntologyDocumentSource documentSource) throws OWLOntologyCreationException
- The input source that describes where the ontology should be loaded
- If there was a problem in creating and loading the
- if the ontology was being
parsed from a document and the document contained syntax errors.UnloadableImportException
- if the ontology imports ontologies and one of the imports
could not be loaded for what ever reason. If the
is set to
then this exception will not be thrown.
The UnloadableImportException
contains information about the import
declaration that triggered the import and the cause of this exception is an
which contains information about why the import
could not be loaded.OWLOntologyCreationIOException
- if there was an
when trying to load the ontology.OWLOntologyDocumentAlreadyExistsException
- if the document IRI of the input source is
already the document IRI for a loaded ontology.OWLOntologyAlreadyExistsException
- if the manager already contains an ontology whose
ontology IRI and version IRI is the same as the ontology IRI and version IRI of the
ontology contained in the document represented by the input source.@Nonnull OWLOntology loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(@Nonnull OWLOntologyDocumentSource documentSource, @Nonnull OWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration config) throws OWLOntologyCreationException
- The input source that describes where the ontology should be loaded
- the configuration to useOWLOntologyCreationException
- If there was a problem in creating and loading the
- if the ontology was being
parsed from a document and the document contained syntax errors.UnloadableImportException
- if the ontology imports ontologies and one of the imports
could not be loaded for what ever reason. If the
is set to
then this exception will not be thrown.
The UnloadableImportException
contains information about the import
declaration that triggered the import and the cause of this exception is an
which contains information about why the import
could not be loaded.OWLOntologyCreationIOException
- if there was an
when trying to load the ontology.OWLOntologyDocumentAlreadyExistsException
- if the document IRI of the input source is
already the document IRI for a loaded ontology.OWLOntologyAlreadyExistsException
- if the manager already contains an ontology whose
ontology IRI and version IRI is the same as the ontology IRI and version IRI of the
ontology contained in the document represented by the input source.void removeOntology(@Nonnull OWLOntology ontology)
- The ontology to be removed. If this manager does not manage the ontology then
nothing happens.void removeOntology(@Nonnull OWLOntologyID ontologyID)
- The ontology to be removed. If this manager does not manage the ontology
then nothing happens.@Nonnull IRI getOntologyDocumentIRI(@Nonnull OWLOntology ontology)
- The ontology whose document IRI is to be obtained.UnknownOWLOntologyException
- If the specified ontology is not managed by this manager.void setOntologyDocumentIRI(@Nonnull OWLOntology ontology, @Nonnull IRI documentIRI)
- The ontology that has already been loaded.documentIRI
- The new ontology document IRIUnknownOWLOntologyException
- If the specified ontology is not managed by this manager.@Nullable OWLDocumentFormat getOntologyFormat(@Nonnull OWLOntology ontology)
- The ontology whose format it to be obtained.void setOntologyFormat(@Nonnull OWLOntology ontology, @Nonnull OWLDocumentFormat ontologyFormat)
- The ontology whose format is to be set.ontologyFormat
- The format for the specified ontology.UnknownOWLOntologyException
- If the specified ontology is not managed by this manager.void saveOntology(@Nonnull OWLOntology ontology) throws OWLOntologyStorageException
- The ontology to be saved.OWLOntologyStorageException
- An exception will be thrown if there is a problem with
saving the ontology, or the ontology can't be saved in the format it was loaded from.UnknownOWLOntologyException
- if this manager does not manage the specified ontologyvoid saveOntology(@Nonnull OWLOntology ontology, @Nonnull IRI documentIRI) throws OWLOntologyStorageException
- The ontology to be saved.documentIRI
- The document IRI where the ontology should be saved toOWLOntologyStorageException
- If the ontology cannot be savedUnknownOWLOntologyException
- if the specified ontology is not managed by this manager.void saveOntology(@Nonnull OWLOntology ontology, @Nonnull OutputStream outputStream) throws OWLOntologyStorageException
- The ontology to be saved.outputStream
- The output stream where the ontology will be saved toOWLOntologyStorageException
- If there was a problem saving this ontology to the
specified output streamUnknownOWLOntologyException
- if this manager does not manage the specified ontology.void saveOntology(@Nonnull OWLOntology ontology, @Nonnull OWLDocumentFormat ontologyFormat) throws OWLOntologyStorageException
- The ontology to be saved.ontologyFormat
- The format in which the ontology should be saved.OWLOntologyStorageException
- If the ontology cannot be saved.UnknownOWLOntologyException
- if the specified ontology is not managed by this managervoid saveOntology(@Nonnull OWLOntology ontology, @Nonnull OWLDocumentFormat ontologyFormat, @Nonnull IRI documentIRI) throws OWLOntologyStorageException
- The ontology to be savedontologyFormat
- The format in which to save the ontologydocumentIRI
- The document IRI where the ontology should be saved toOWLOntologyStorageException
- If the ontology could not be saved.UnknownOWLOntologyException
- if the specified ontology is not managed by the manager.void saveOntology(@Nonnull OWLOntology ontology, @Nonnull OWLDocumentFormat ontologyFormat, @Nonnull OutputStream outputStream) throws OWLOntologyStorageException
- The ontology to be savedontologyFormat
- The format in which to save the ontologyoutputStream
- The output stream where the ontology will be saved to.OWLOntologyStorageException
- If the ontology could not be saved.UnknownOWLOntologyException
- if the specified ontology is not managed by the manager.void saveOntology(@Nonnull OWLOntology ontology, @Nonnull OWLOntologyDocumentTarget documentTarget) throws OWLOntologyStorageException
- The ontology to be saved.documentTarget
- The output target where the ontology will be saved to.OWLOntologyStorageException
- If the ontology could not be saved.UnknownOWLOntologyException
- if the specified ontology is not managed by this manager.void saveOntology(@Nonnull OWLOntology ontology, @Nonnull OWLDocumentFormat ontologyFormat, @Nonnull OWLOntologyDocumentTarget documentTarget) throws OWLOntologyStorageException
- The ontology to be saved.ontologyFormat
- The output format in which to save the ontologydocumentTarget
- The output target where the ontology will be saved toOWLOntologyStorageException
- If the ontology could not be saved.UnknownOWLOntologyException
- If the specified ontology is not managed by this manager.@Deprecated void addIRIMapper(@Nonnull OWLOntologyIRIMapper mapper)
- the mapper to add@Deprecated void removeIRIMapper(@Nonnull OWLOntologyIRIMapper mapper)
- the mapper to remove@Deprecated void clearIRIMappers()
instead@Deprecated void addOntologyStorer(@Nonnull OWLStorerFactory storer)
- the storer to add@Deprecated void removeOntologyStorer(@Nonnull OWLStorerFactory storer)
- the storer to remove@Deprecated void clearOntologyStorers()
insteadvoid setIRIMappers(Set<OWLOntologyIRIMapper> mappers)
- the mappers to be injected@Nonnull PriorityCollection<OWLOntologyIRIMapper> getIRIMappers()
void setOntologyParsers(Set<OWLParserFactory> parsers)
- the factories to be injected@Nonnull PriorityCollection<OWLParserFactory> getOntologyParsers()
void setOntologyFactories(Set<OWLOntologyFactory> factories)
- the factories to be injected@Nonnull PriorityCollection<OWLOntologyFactory> getOntologyFactories()
void setOntologyStorers(@Nonnull Set<OWLStorerFactory> storers)
- The storers to be used@Nonnull PriorityCollection<OWLStorerFactory> getOntologyStorers()
void addOntologyChangeListener(@Nonnull OWLOntologyChangeListener listener, @Nonnull OWLOntologyChangeBroadcastStrategy strategy)
- The listener to be added.strategy
- The strategy that should be used for broadcasting changes to the listener.void addImpendingOntologyChangeListener(@Nonnull ImpendingOWLOntologyChangeListener listener)
- the listener to addvoid removeImpendingOntologyChangeListener(@Nonnull ImpendingOWLOntologyChangeListener listener)
- the listener to removevoid addOntologyChangesVetoedListener(@Nonnull OWLOntologyChangesVetoedListener listener)
- the listener to addvoid removeOntologyChangesVetoedListener(@Nonnull OWLOntologyChangesVetoedListener listener)
- the listener to removevoid setDefaultChangeBroadcastStrategy(@Nonnull OWLOntologyChangeBroadcastStrategy strategy)
- The strategy to be used for broadcasting changes. This strategy will override
any previously set broadcast strategy.DefaultChangeBroadcastStrategy
void makeLoadImportRequest(@Nonnull OWLImportsDeclaration declaration)
- The declaration that describes the import to be loaded.UnloadableImportException
- if there was a problem creating and loading the import and
silent missing imports handling is not turned on. If silent missing import handling
is turned on then this exception will not be thrown.void makeLoadImportRequest(@Nonnull OWLImportsDeclaration declaration, @Nonnull OWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration configuration)
- The declaration that describes the import to be loaded.configuration
- The configuration object that passes arguments to the mechanism used for
- if there was a problem creating and loading the import and
silent missing imports handling is not turned on. If silent missing import handling
is turned on then this exception will not be thrown.void addMissingImportListener(@Nonnull MissingImportListener listener)
- The listener to be added.void removeMissingImportListener(@Nonnull MissingImportListener listener)
- The listener to be removed.void addOntologyLoaderListener(@Nonnull OWLOntologyLoaderListener listener)
- The listener to be added.void removeOntologyLoaderListener(@Nonnull OWLOntologyLoaderListener listener)
- The listener to be removed.void addOntologyChangeProgessListener(@Nonnull OWLOntologyChangeProgressListener listener)
- The listener to be added.void removeOntologyChangeProgessListener(@Nonnull OWLOntologyChangeProgressListener listener)
- The listener to be removed.Copyright © 2020 The University of Manchester. All rights reserved.